
Making a referral to a legal team after reconsideration

Making a referral to a legal team after reconsideration


If the governing board reconsiders the exclusion and upholds it anyway, there is no further support that can be provided outside of a claim for judicial review in the High Court or a discrimination claim in the First Tier Tribunal or County Court. The family should be provided with information about what the governing board's decision means for them and information about how to seek an opinion from a specialist lawyer about bringing a legal claim if one is appropriate.

Strict time limits apply in any kind of legal claim, but particularly in claims for judicial review, in which any delay in bringing a claim in court might result in the family being disallowed to bring one at all. Families should therefore be encouraged to seek advice without delay if they are interested in further challenges to the exclusion.

To contact the family to provide them with this information, consider using the Suggested Wording document: Providing information to the family after an unsuccessful reconsideration

To help them find an advisor, the following services are some among a range that undertake relevant legal work. The family should check that the service is right for them before engaging their services.

  • Simpson Millar Solicitors: 0800 260 5010
  • Irwin Mitchell Solicitors: 0808 163 6143
  • Coram Children’s Legal Centre: 020 7713 0089

Alternatively, families can use the Law Society’s Find a Solicitor service to find an advisor near them.

Next step? 

Once you have communicated the result to the family and you are confident they understand what their options are going forward, click finish to complete this guide.



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This information is correct at the time of writing, 5th September 2023. The law in this area is subject to change.

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