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Step-by-Step Guides
Template Documents
- Form of authority (parent)
- Form of authority (young person)
- Interview form
- Plan for questioning
- Submissions for the independent review panel
- Submissions to the governing board
- Talking points for the governing board hearing
- Talking points for independent review panel hearing
- Template witness statement for third party
Suggested Wording Documents
- Argument to the governing board: Exclusion for a non disciplinary reason
- Argument to the governing board: Exclusion is disproportionate
- Argument to the governing board: Failure to identify and consider SEND
- Argument to the governing board: First limb of the threshold found in Paragraph 11 is not satisfied
- Argument to the governing board: Headteacher converted or extended the exclusion
- Argument to the governing board: Headteacher did not give reasons for the exclusion
- Argument to the governing board: Public Sector Equality Duty not satisfied
- Argument to the governing board: Pupil is a victim of direct discrimination
- Argument to the governing board: Pupil is a victim of indirect discrimination
- Argument to the governing board: Pupil is LAC or PLAC
- Argument to the governing board: Pupil is suffering from exploitation
- Argument to the governing board: School failed to conduct a fair investigation
- Argument to the governing board: School failed to implement early intervention
- Argument to the governing board: School failed to provide an exclusion letter
- Argument to the governing board: School failed to secure external support
- Argument to the governing board: Second limb of the threshold found in Paragraph 11 is not satisfied
- Argument to the governing board: The exclusion of a pupil from an ethnic minority background
- Argument to the governing board: The exclusion will have a significant impact on the young person
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision disproportionate
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision irrational because it failed to include relevant information
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision irrational because it included irrelevant information
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unfair (arrangements)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unfair (hostile)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unfair (insufficient time to speak)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unfair (private conversations)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unlawful (administrative law)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unlawful (discrimination)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unlawful (exclusions guidance)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unlawful (human rights)
- Argument to the IRP: Governing board's decision unreasonable because it was irrational having considered relevant information
- Asking a third party for information
- Asking an independent professional to support the argument at the IRP
- Asking headteacher to withdraw the exclusion in favour of EHE
- Asking the family to keep you up to date
- Asking the governing board to delay the hearing
- Asking the governing board to provide the minutes of the hearing
- Asking the headteacher to consider a managed move
- Asking the headteacher to withdraw the exclusion as decision is flawed
- Asking the headteacher to withdraw the exclusion on the basis of new evidence
- Chasing a late freedom of information request
- Chasing a late subject access request
- Contacting the clerk to the governing board about reconsideration arrangements
- Contacting the governing board clerk to confirm arrangements for the hearing
- Contacting the governing board clerk to confirm arrangements for the hearing
- Informing the family that the IRP has requested the school to reconsider
- Making a freedom of information request
- Making a subject access request
- Making first contact with the local authority
- Providing information to the family after an unsuccessful reconsideration.docx
- Providing information to the family on asking the headteacher to withdraw the exclusion
- Providing information to the family on elective home education
- Providing Information to the family on requesting a SEN expert for the IRP
- Providing information to the family on requesting an independent review panel
- Providing information to the family on the process of a managed move
- Raising a concern about the quality or content of a freedom of information request
- Raising a concern about the quality or content of a subject access request
- Requesting amendments to the minutes of the independent review panel
- Requesting minutes from the governing board hearing
- Requesting that the clerk to the governing board make amendments to the minutes
- Requesting the minutes following the governing board's reconsideration
- Requesting the minutes of the independent review panel