It is unlawful for an exclusion to be extended, or for a suspension to be converted into a permanent one.
Paragraph 10 of the exclusions guidance states:
The law does not allow for extending a suspension or ‘converting’ a suspension into a permanent exclusion. In exceptional cases, usually where further evidence has come to light, a further suspension may be issued to begin immediately after the first suspension ends; or a permanent exclusion may be issued to begin immediately after the end of the suspension.
Look at the panel pack and speak to the family. Consider whether the exclusion being challenged was initially a suspension and has been extended or converted into a permanent exclusion. Commonly, this will be because the school sent the young person home for some days and then contacted the family to explain that the exclusion is now permanent after further investigation.
Next step?
Answer the question: Was the suspension extended into a longer suspension or converted into a permanent exclusion?
If the answer is yes, consider using the Suggested Wording document: Argument to the governing board: Headteacher converted or extended the exclusion
Once you have answered this question, click continue to proceed.