
Before arriving at the venue for the hearing

Before arriving at the venue for the hearing


Before you arrive at the hearing, you should make sure you have let the governing board clerk know who will be attending. If the family wants to bring friends or other people for support, you should confirm this with the governing board, as they will need to ensure that the venue is large enough. Sometimes they will have issues with large groups attending, and the family might need to be ready to be selective about who will attend to support them.

Exclusions pack

You should try to get any written arguments and additional material to the clerk at least five school days before the hearing. If this is not possible, it may be helpful to let the clerk know that it will be late and give an estimated time by which you will be in a position to provide your pack.


To contact the school to confirm arrangements for the panel, and let them know who will be attending, consider using the Suggested Wording document: Contacting the governing board clerk to confirm arrangements for the hearing

Next step? 

Once you have contacted the clerk to confirm arrangements, continue to the next step.


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This information is correct at the time of writing, 5th September 2023. The law in this area is subject to change.

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