
Requesting the minutes from the governing board hearing

Requesting the minutes from the governing board hearing


The governing board must keep minutes of the meeting. They are required to make a copy available on request without delay. These will help the family decide whether to request a review and can act as a useful record in the event that a review is requested.

However, the minutes from the governing board hearing are rarely a comprehensive transcript. In order to evidence what was said, it will be helpful to either get the minutes amended with your corrections or have a record of your objections made contemporaneously so that you can rely on them later.

You can obtain a copy of the minutes and request amendments to them by following three steps:

  1. Write to the clerk to the school’s governing board to request a copy of the minutes. See downloads section for a suggested wording document 
  2. Review the minutes and check them against your notes. Amend the minutes by inserting important missing information and correcting important errors;
  3. Write to the clerk requesting that the corrections be reviewed and the minutes updated. See downloads section for a suggested wording document 


Next step? 

Once you have requested amendments to the minutes or are satisfied that they contain the relevant information, continue to the next step.



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This information is correct at the time of writing, 5th September 2023. The law in this area is subject to change.

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