Young People and Families

About us

The School Exclusions Hub provides information and tools for community and advice organisations to enable them to support families through the process of challenging unfair school exclusions.

We aim to grow this area of the Hub in the coming months to include more resources to empower young people and families with knowledge on the school exclusion process so you can get the support you need. You can view our current resources below.

School Exclusion Clinic

Coram Children’s Legal Centre, in collaboration with the law firm Allen and Overy, runs the School Exclusion Clinic, which offers free legal representation to parents or carers of children and young people who have been permanently excluded from a school in London.

If you would like to make a referral or find out more details, click below. It is helpful to get in touch with us as soon as possible after receiving the letter from the school confirming the permanent exclusion.

Coram services

Coram offers several free services to support young people and families dealing with a school exclusion, most of which are run by our expert team at Coram Children’s Legal Centre.

Child Law Advice Service

Free specialist legal advice and information on child, family and education law for parents, carers and young people in England.


Free legal information for children and young people, run by Coram Children’s Legal Centre.

Coram Children's Legal Centre

CCLC provides free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, carers and professionals.

Coram Voice

Coram Voice offers support and information for children and young people in London who are in care, on the edge of care and care leavers.

External resources

We are always working to increase the number of organisations able to offer support to families facing exclusion. However, if you are not able to find help, you can find further information to help you challenge an exclusion yourself in these places: